Does anybody really know what time it is? Chicago

Well, . . . actually, we do. Our cell phones, computers, and watches connected to Wi-Fi, tell us exactly what time it is.


But, as it turns out, 15 – 20% of the US population is consistently late.

Why is that?

It’s commonly understood that being late shows a lack of self-control, reveals incompetence, and is rude. When you are late, you will feel flustered and can lose a client, your job, or strain relationships.

It’s good to make a habit of being on time.

what does it mean to be on Time?

Being on time means, . . . um, being on time. Some will go further and say being early is being on time and being on time is late.

               Did you get that?

Time is not relative. It’s absolute. The clock shows it.

When it comes to a meeting, it’s a completely objective measure. As previously mentioned, 2:00 is 2:00. 2:01 is not 2:00.

1:59 is early. That gives you time to look at your social media accounts before you knock on the door.

It takes some skill to be on time. Our fast-paced FOMO (fear of missing out) culture works against this. We sometimes try to get “one more thing” done before leaving for a meeting, and we end up being late. To avoid this, don’t just give yourself enough time to get there, give yourself a cushion.

Why is Being on Time a Good Habit?

If you want to be productive, being on time will work in your favor. Here’s how.

  • You will get more done when you spend time doing the necessary things instead of unnecessary things like rearranging your sock drawer.

  • Being on time shows other people your respect for them. Showing up on time for an appointment shows that you value their time.

  • Being on time shows others you are dependable. Great relationships are formed when we know we can depend on other people. All of need this.

  • Being on time improves other people’s perception of you. The opposite is also true. If your fiancé showed up a half hour late to walk down the aisle, you would think, gee whiz, I thought they were as excited as I was to get married. I guess they found something better to do for a while and must not think this is such a big deal. This isn’t a good start to the honeymoon.

  • Being on time will show that you care, and it will improve morale and relationships at work. Being part of a team means doing what you say you are going to do. If any part of the organization is sluffing off, it reflects on the whole company. Hence, the saying, we are only as strong as our weakest link.

  • And finally, being on time shows that you are a man or woman of your word. It’s a very simple yet extremely powerful way to illicit trust from others.

How can you form the habit of being on time?

In Daring to Live Fully, Marelisa Fabrega gives 12 tips to form the habit of being on time. Here they are:

  1. Make it a priority

  2. Know why you want to be on time

  3. Track how long tasks take

  4. Use a timer

  5. Be ruthless with your to do list – don’t put too much on it!

  6. Be prepared to be on time

  7. Give yourself a cushion

  8. Be prepared to wait and then do something with that time

  9. Change your thoughts on being early. Some think being on time is a sign that the person is not important. The truth is that important people are punctual

  10. Always leave on time

  11. Set up reminders

  12. Practice the day before

Here is one more suggestion. If someone steps into your office just as you are leaving to make an appointment, say “I’d love to talk now but, I have a meeting to get to”. This is not rude, it’s just honest. You can also them know you will have time to talk at another time.

Make a Habit of Being on Time

If you would like me to come speak to your organization about Healthy Habits, contact me at I look forward to hearing from you!
