The Holy Bible
The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz
Potatoes Not Prozac - Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD
From Panic to Power - Lucinda Bassett
It Starts With Food - Dallas & Melissa Hartwig
Boundaries - Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Attacking Anxiety and Depression Program - CD series
FED Up - A Documentary about food and childhood obesity
Herbalife products
Clothes and Makeup
The Q in Q Ideas videos refers to Questions. This is a site which faces difficult topics from a Christian perspective. Here are a few favorites:
Mental Health by Dr. Caroline Leaf
What I Learned From My Mother by Shauna Niequist
Ted Talks
Below is Brene Brown talking about the Power of Vulnerabilty. This is a powerful discussion about how we make real connections with people.
Here Elizabeth Nabel talks about what we don't know and how humility opens opportunities to unveil truth and bring about change. Knowledge is fleeting and ever changing.
Below is a TedMed Talk by Diana Nyad talking about fulfilling her vision.