You could probably name the most enthusiastic person you know. What is it about them that is special? Where does their energy come from?
Enthusiasm is defined as intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Is this really a habit that can be developed?
There are several components to enthusiasm. Let’s look at those as we describe what a habit of enthusiasm might look like.
What does it mean to be enthusiastic?
Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. That sounds like the best! It could be a habit used at work, with your friends, or engaging in your hobby.
In his book A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle says that enthusiasm is the place where creativity lives. When you engage enthusiastically, your setbacks and failures are met with positively energetic responses. You continue to enjoy the activity despite the circumstances in the moment. This sounds a little like last week’s habit of living with purpose.
Enthusiasm also involves growth. Even the most seasoned professional will tell you there’s always more to learn. Often, even going back to the basics will add to your growth. As you stay enthused, your skills will grow.
Your ego will get in the way of enthusiasm. If stress rears its ugly head, it means that your ego, instead of the creative power you embody, has taken charge. This leads to wanting to get to the finish line instead of enjoying the process.
Being enthusiastic is not something you must do on your own. Joining others in an enthusiastic endeavor brings joy to community.
Why is being enthusiastic a good habit?
Being enthusiastic is a sign that you are doing what you want to do. The energy derived from that intense enjoyment, interest, or approval is showing you the way towards the thing you were meant to do.
Why would you spend your time doing anything else? This is what makes enthusiasm a good habit.
Along with enthusiasm will come an intensely abundant core of peace. Although it’s not possible to live enthusiastically every moment of every day with every activity, it will come often enough to continue to move you forward.
how do you get started?
Here are some ways to be enthusiastic in your life.
Find something you enjoy doing that also shares your unique abilities.
Find others who feel the same way and join them.
Learn more about what fuels your enthusiasm.
Ride the wave of energy you feel when enthusiastic.
Try different activities.
When enthusiasm fades, do not let it go of the activity entirely. Realize this is a normal part of the process.
Create while you are enthusiastic.
Observe how your enthusiasm is giving joy and enthusiasm to others.
Enjoy the activity in the moment just for what it is. Do not focus on the past or future.
Smile at the peace your enthusiastic activity gives you
Make a habit of being enthusiastic
If you would like me to come speak to your organization about Healthy Habits, contact me at I look forward to hearing from you!