Have you ever wanted to just walk off the stage of your life and go so sit in the corner?
I have.
Have you ever wanted to just walk off the stage of your life and go so sit in the corner?
I have.
It’s happened to ALL of us.
Have you ever thought things were perfect until you saw clearly that they weren’t? How do you handle it? Do you laugh or cry?
When stuff happens that is outside of our control, but affects us in a way we hadn’t imagined, we have a choice of how to respond. This your life and your journey. How will you navigate it?
Do you have an annoying problem that you can’t quite seem to solve? It happens to all of us. What do you do then?
Do you want to be perfect?
Do you want others to be perfect?
What is perfect anyway?
If you had a choice between perfection and imperfection, which would you choose?
Sometimes we’re stuck and don’t change. We justify our stuck position and settle into the difficulty. It becomes normal. We are trapped and uncomfortable. We may not even realize it.
Have you ever felt so tired and unmotivated that you don’t want to get out of bed? Yeah, me too.
Have you ever felt stupid because you couldn’t understand something? Yeah, me too.
Have you ever resigned yourself to the circumstances, not believing anything will change? Yeah, me too.
These describe what it feels like to be stuck. Like a dog caught in a fence, you are unable to move forward and feel the sting of your capture.
Many of us think of restricting what we eat and going hungry when we hear the word ‘diet’. Exercise has it’s own ugly connotation of forcing yourself to hurt as you sweat and struggle to move.
Would you like to know how to get healthy by focusing on something other than diet and exercise?
Here’s how. Redefine it.
Wellness means different things to people. For some, it’s all about a thin, firm body suitable for a magazine cover. Others define peace of mind, a close-knit family, or meeting goals as living well. And still others define inner peace and love as a measure of a well life. What is it to you?
When we write, thoughts come out of our subconscious mind and land on paper. They are much more useful in a journal than in this unconscious place. As the words lay there on the page, the reality of them stares back at us.
In 1991, Donald Trump said, “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
Boy oh boy, that made me mad. He was basically saying women are something to wear on your arm like a nice wristwatch or cuff links. And it’s their ass that will determine whether or not they’re valuable.
I was born with crossed eyes and a big nose. It hurts when someone criticizes women on their physical attributes. It seems unfair.
Is anyone else exhausted?
Are you annoyed with inspirational sayings because it takes too much energy to feel inspired?
Are you trying to stay in the moment but the future looks too bleak to ignore?
Do you miss people so much but just can’t get up the gumption to set up another Zoom call?
There’s a reason you’re tired. These are difficult times. Things are hard right now.